Friday, October 30, 2009

When you're up, you're up.....

and when you're down, you're down.

And Dad is pretty down right now. He had a pretty down week last week and I was hoping he would have a better week this week so I could have positive things to post. But, that just isn't the case right now. So, if you could keep Dad in your prayers, he and Mom would certainly appreciate it (as would the rest of us too!). Dad has been pretty weak and when he isn't doing as well physically as he would like to, he gets very discouraged. His blood pressure is very low and the IVs don't seem to be helping that much. We know HIS strength is made perfect in our weakness and we are all praying that Dad will very much be surrounded by HIS strength right now.

All the older grandkids have been sick, so we haven't been able to visit with Dad due to the risk of passing something on to him. He is just not strong enough to handle that right now. So, we're hoping to get everyone healthy so Dad can visit with the grandkids this weekend. If anything, that gives him a little encouragement.

We appreciate all of you! Thanks so much for praying for Mom and Dad!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Jackson Walter Sample

The Sample Family is doing very well! Nana and Papa are as proud as can be! Andi and Charlie are hoping to bring little Jack home tomorrow.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

He's here!

Baby Sample arrived at 12:53am this morning. Andi checked in to the hospital Thursday morning at 6am for a scheduled induction. She was exactly one week overdue on Thursday. After nearly 2 days of little progress, the Dr. decided it was time to intervene and Baby Sample was delivered by c-section. Baby Sample is still without a name (geez, they had enough time sitting around the hospital to figure that out, ya think?!). He weighed 8lb. 2oz. and is an impressive 21 1/2 inches long. According to Nana he's the most amazing baby with a head of black hair and big feet and hands! Andi, Charlie and little Nameless will be taking it easy today and trying to rest. So, maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get some pictures for you! (and hopefully a name too)