Friday, July 17, 2009

Got Milk?

Dad's bloodwork is showing that his vitamin D is low. The doctor is not sure why, but has prescribed a mega dose of Vitamin D once a week to try to boost his level back up to where it should be. Otherwise, Dad has had a pretty good week. He's been able to get out with friends a little, scoot around the yard, critique the garden, go to the shop and generally just putter around at some of the things he likes to do. Our new dilemma is that Dad is doing so well with the maintenance program Hospice has been able to provide that we are getting concerned that Hospice may kick us out! While it is good to be "too healthy" for Hospice, the bad thing is the improvement is Dad's health is a result of Hospice and stopping that could send us back to where we were - trying to manage the crashes, in and out of the hospital like a revolving door, etc. Please pray that the doctors, insurance company and whoever else will be able to work out the details of a continuing home maintenance program for Dad. It has really improved his physical and mental well-being.

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement!

Friday, July 10, 2009

All in all, not a bad week

Dad has done quite well this week. He is walking more (with a walker), gaining some weight and able to get out a little. Dad also thinks his neuropathy is improving. He is now feeling some aches and pains. Those are all good things. We are grateful for every step forward. Dad's bloodwork continues to come back perfect. The doctors are very pleased with his overall health. The blood pressure continues to be our main focus. IVs are still given at home on an as needed basis to keep the blood pressure where it needs to be. Whenever Dad's top number is below 90 for a blood pressure reading, the Hospice nurse will come out and hook him up to an IV. Dad usually gets an IV a couple times a week. Within the next few weeks, Dad will be having another light chain test. The results of this test will determine if Dad stays on a treatment dose of chemo or moves to a maintenance dose.

Thanks for your prayers, calls and visits. Mom and Dad are grateful for all of you!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Status Quo

Well, everything is pretty status quo with Dad. A few weeks ago, I mentioned that we were considering changing Dad's treatment plan. At this time, we have elected not to change his treatment. Hospice is really helping by keeping Dad on a better maintenance plan. If we change to the new treatment plan, Dad will have to go off Hospice. The new treatment plan is a 28 day plan where Dad would take chemo for 21 days and then have 7 days off. We have discussed this with Dad and his doctors, and we aren't sure he is really strong enough for that right now. Being off Hospice would mean he would have to go to the doctor's office again for his regular IVs, etc. Right now, I don't think Dad physically or emotionally can handle the ups and downs he was having earlier this spring and we aren't sure the potential benefits of the new treatment will outweigh the negatives at this time. So, we are maintaining the status quo for now.