Monday, November 17, 2008

Ups and Downs

Dad will remain in CCU for now. His hemoglobin and blood pressure have both dropped again. He is receiving blood and may undergo some testing later today to see if they can find out why this continues to be a problem.

Dad needs a lot of rest right now. He is always tired during and after blood transfusions and the staff is also working with him quite a bit to teach him the necessary things he will need to do to be able to care for himself at home.

The CCU staff has implemented a no visitor policy for Dad. Between frequent visitors and the staff needing to work with Dad, he simply is not getting rest. Mom still loves company and would enjoy visiting in the CCU waiting room or going for a cup of coffee, but please do not go down to Dad's room. When he is able to receive visitors in the future, please be respectful of the CCU rules. When the staff pulls the curtain, they are working with a patient and do not permit anyone else in the room. This is out of respect for the patient's privacy as well as giving the staff the space they need to do their job. We are so very grateful for the wonderful CCU staff, but do want to stay on their good side by being respectful of the hospital protocol.

Please pray with us that the Doctors will be able to find the cause of Dad's frequent drop in hemoglobin and blood pressure.

1 comment:

sven erickson said...

thanks for your very detailed entries. i will let my parents know of this blog so they can stay informed. you are all in our thoughts. please pass on our well-wishes to walt.

take care.
